Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today, we say goodbye to a good friend

Well, they say good things must come to an end..and so today, we say goodbye to Simon's best friend, Mr. Swing. Yep, new batteries won't even fix it. We have run that swing so much it just can't go any longer. With that being said, let me tell you something a bit ironic. Three nights ago I had the strength, finally, to put Simon in his bed, awake, to start the self soothing process. He slept until 2am the next morning, not all night, but hey, it's a start. After he wakes up now in the night, we've been feeding him and putting him in his swing, just so we can all sleep peacefully for a few more hours. I'm saddened to say tonight will be much different. After he wakes, there will be no more Mr. Swing. Please pray for all of us as we transition him to strictly bed. This may just get the best of us all.

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